4 Tactics to Employ that will make you THE PERFECT HOST for any gathering!

4 Tactics to Employ that will make you THE PERFECT HOST for any gathering!

The Host…it is quite the responsibility.  As the host you have the power to influence the experience your guests have in your home.  There are 4 simple tactics that will ensure that you will be the PERFECT host for your guests every time.

1. Welcome your Guests at the Door. 

This may sound simple, but when you greet your guests at the door and warmly welcome them into your house it sets the stage for the rest of the experience.  It is important to not just open the door and allow them in, but to do so in a way that will ultimately make them feel sincerely welcome. 

  • Greet them with a smile at the front door.  This sounds so simple, but is so impactful.  When guests arrive on the scene and are not greeted by the hosts it immediately feels awkward.  If they possibly receive a “hey” from another room or are just ignored for a large majority of the event, the guests would feel more comfortable just leaving to go have dinner at the bar of a Chili’s.  If possible station yourself by the main entrance so you can pause from conversations and welcome each guest with a smile and a comment such as “So glad you’re here!”, “I’m so excited to introduce you to some new friends.”,  “Yay!  All of my favorite people are here!”, or   “Let’s get this party started, lady!”  You know what I mean- say what’s natural to you- just express your gratitude that your guest has arrived and that they are what is making this event special.
  • Take their coat, purse, host gift, platter, etc.  Be sure to let them know where you are placing it in case they need the item later.  I can’t tell you how uncomfortable it is as a guest for the host to whisk away your purse and the entire time your mind is wondering where your purse went with your lipstick, toiletries, and cell phone in case the babysitter calls, etc.  Don’t aid the guests in being distracted.  Help take their items so they won’t need to keep up with them, but make sure they are available should someone need to slip away to the bathroom with their purse in hand.

2.  Get them a Drink or Pass them a Plate. 

There is nothing better than to arrive at a gathering and have the host be so thoughtful to fix you your favorite cocktail, iced tea, or hand you a plate of warm food to fill your tummy.  Do not feel the need to make their plate if your food is buffet style.  In this case just hand them a plate and give them a quick overview of the items you are offering.  It can be so uncomfortable to stand in a large group of people just handing around a buffet of warm food not touching any of it.  The unspoken thought is always floating around the room: “Is anyone going to touch any of that?  I’m so hungry…Wonder when we can have that?”  It is such a distraction.  As the host it is our job to remove as many distractions so that relationship building is center stage.  

3.  Introduce and Connect. 

When you have a group of friends that do not know one another it is important to introduce them to each other as quickly as possible after they each arrive.  This will dispel that awkward tension in a room of strangers.  Introduce each person and if possible try to give a piece of information that will connect the individuals.  As human beings we have many things in common no matter how many differences we have.  Think of the connections that exist between the group of individuals you are hosting.  By making a connection between each other you will automatically provide common ground that will result in a good time had by all.  This piece of the introduction can be extremely powerful and should not be taken lightly as the right connection can be life changing for the individuals connected.  A simple example would be:  “Judy, this is my friend, Emily.  You both have 4-year-old daughters.”  You have immediately given them something in common to discuss and now you can slip out of the conversation to greet other guests.

4.  Say Goodbye and Make it Count. 

When your guests start giving you the que that they need to excuse themselves, help them to gather their items and tell them specifically about how much you enjoyed hosting them.  For example, if they brought chips and salsa with them tell them how much you enjoyed the chips and salsa and ask them where you can purchase more of it.  Be honest!  If you didn’t enjoy their contribution of food do not comment.  Better to say something nice and genuine or say nothing at all!  Surely, there is something else you can honestly compliment them on before they exit.  If only just to say, “I know you had a busy week, thanks so much for coming to hang out with us this evening, I always love visiting with you!”  The goal here is just to make your guest feel valued.  A valued guest will always have a great time and want to come back again and again!

For more tips and tricks, be sure to join our Elite Hosting Club!  Thanks for stopping by for a visit!  We are so grateful to spend time with YOU!

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I'm a Southern girl who loves a good party, a house full of laughter, and a porch swing full of friends and family. I blog about how to host in a way that matters. Curious what I mean by that?   CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE AND READ MY STORY.

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